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Guidelines for Authors

1. Submissions should be type-written in English, double line spaced, and submitted in MS Word format. Submissions should be between 5000 and 8000 words in length, inclusive of words in tables but excluding references. Margins: all 2.5 cm, 12pt Times New Roman.

2. Reference and citation style should follow Palgrave Macmillan (www.palgrave.com) format. References must be placed at the end of the document. 

3. You will be required to submit a minimum of two documents, containing the following elements:

Author contact details/biographies including: the title of the article; a short running title of no more than 40 characters (including spaces); the author(s)' names; a short biography of approximately 80 words for each author; contact details (including email, postal address, fax and telephone number) for the corresponding author.

Article file including: the title of the article; a summary or abstract of not more than 200 words in length outlining the aims and subject matter; 3-6 keywords that describe your paper - for indexing and for web searches in your manuscript; the article in full, including references. Please make sure that this file does not contain any information identifying the author(s).

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Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:
25 July, 2020

Abstract acceptance notification:
5 August, 2020

November 18-19, 2020

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